Gossip is any form of communication that is hurtful about another. It also speaks a part about the person doing the gossiping. Its is like a wildfire. It gets out of control and spread quickly. Most people gossip because they want to make themselves look good by slicing up another. I’d like to think I don’t do, but I plead for spreading some.
Gossiping is not just a GIRL THING! Yes we ladies have a reputation for being too chatty and unreliable. I even heard guys say that girls can never truly be friends. That one will eventually betray the other. (That’s a different issue anyhow….tsk!) Well I guess we girls are gifted with a more persuasive tongue and that we will say anything provided that the persons back is turned. But hey, female gossip is just more visible to the eyes and ears than the male. Men are just likely to gossip as women. Probably they call them “rap session”
Ignoring such issues amongst the two genders, my point is that everyone GOSSIPS! Whatever you might call it. Gossip seems to be one of those life’s distraction and guilty pleasures. I certainly agree…
Remember when elders say” IF YOU DON’T HAVE ANYTHING GOOD TO SAY, THEN DON’T SAY ANYTHING AT ALL” Well for most of us now, I think shutting up is really a hard thing to do.
So WHY do we do it? Sometimes described as “Small Talk” it is a way to pass time, it is socialization in the easiest form. Who really wants to talk about the political problems of our country when there’s an exciting rumor to pass around? Most of us view gossip as a harmless thing. Maybe it’s just naturally normal for some not unless THEY ARE THE ONE BEING TALKED ABOUT. Whatever the cause, I confess that if gossiping is made illegal, most of us might be in jail. I like to talk WE ALL DO, but maybe WE SHOULD BE A LITTLE CAREFUL ABOUT WHAT WE SAY.
“GOSSIPING IS JUST LIKE MURDERING!” We must be careful not to murder someone with our tongue. WORDS ARE REALLY POWERFUL and it can DEFINITELY DESTROY A PERSON in just ONE chit chatting…
But I won’t lie, the next time I hear the words…”Did you hear about…? I’ll still be curious.
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