Where: Rockwell (taken last June 07,2007)
June 09,2007
"i'm having my eating disorder thingy again this is not a drama this is for real gee.. and i hate it! (i really cant eat and sleep well!) too bad because im loosing weight and its not healthy.eew! early this morning i was rushed to the hospital because of severe headache + hallucination tuuggs! thanks Burneee for reminding that i should be taking good care of myself more .."
WHY DID I SAID SO: uhmm well she's always hitting me with her hurtful words (for me to become conscious on whats happening around me.) everytime we're having our heart to heart talk. i swear to gahd she's the best person to talk to. but this line really puts me on my "WARP MODE" again while she uttered this line last thursday "mare hindi ka ba naaawa sa sarili mo.." i kept quiet and answered her with just one big smile on my face. (shame on me) shit! happens all the time! too bad it is always happening to me over and over again. Well the rest is a big question mark hanging on my head now... "what to do? what to say? and what to feel? is that person really worthy of my .... sigh!
i dont know...
xns: Burn Thank you for that word of wisdom! (as always) **sob** ssshh! i hope youre getting what im trying to put stress here. Lets call him "BIG BAD BEAR" (its complicated! very... wink!) tuuggs! STUPIDITY MODE mare! i love you big! tsup!
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