Saturday, October 27, 2007
today I HAVE A DATE with my BEHBY!!! :)
he fetch me at around 4.30pm we went at Eastwood.
ate at Fazolis. a little gulp at Jack's Loft then Home...
Friday, October 26, 2007
Honey why you calling me so late?
It's kinda hard to talk right now.
Honey why are you crying? Is everything okay?
I gotta whisper 'cause I can't be too loud
Well, my girl's in the next room
Sometimes I wish she was you
I guess we never really moved on
It's really good to hear your voice saying my name
It sounds so sweet
Coming from the lips of an angel
Hearing those words it makes me weak
And I never wanna say goodbye
But girl you make it hard to be faithful
With the lips of an angel
It's funny that you're calling me tonight
And, yes, I've dreamt of you too
And does he know you're talking to me
Will it start a fight
No I don't think she has a clue
Well my girl's in the next room
Sometimes I wish she was you
I guess we never really moved on
It's really good to hear your voice saying my name
It sounds so sweet
Coming from the lips of an angel
Hearing those words it makes me weak
And I never wanna say goodbye
But girl you make it hard to be faithful
With the lips of an angel
It's really good to hear your voice saying my name
It sounds so sweet
Coming from the lips of an angel
Hearing those words it makes me weak
And I never wanna say goodbye
But girl you make it hard to be faithful
With the lips of an angel
And I never wanna say goodbye
But girl you make it hard to be faithful
With the lips of an angel
Honey why you calling me so late?
"Tugs:Callie over Izzie!!!"
seriously i hate her
i so LOVE it!!
You took something from me.
You stole something from me like a petty little thief.
You are the one who should be humiliated.
You are the one who should be ashamed.
You are the one who should...
Don't you dare come to me for forgiveness you traitorous bitch!
Saturday, October 13, 2007
"Graduation WRITE UP:101"
And here it is:

She is someone who is always there for you when you needed her most
who loves and always willing to extend a hand! She’s a shoulder to cry on! She is a sexy chic and loves the exquisiteness of nature specially the beach.
She stares like hell!! Well if only looks could kill, and she's good at it! But she’s a very humble person being with her is awesome and a blast of fun She has made a deep impact in a lot of people’s heart. She is yes indeed a beautiful person inside and out!
She is a woman of wisdom a lot of people might notice her make up and the way she dress

She’s an exceptional dancer! Everyone is stun when she starts showing her moves.
She is yes indeed a loving daughter and an exceptional friend! In everything she does, she do it with passion and by heart!

She’s a very tall woman! When she’s walking at the school hall way you will surely see her right a way, wearing her pretty face smiling at you! She’s one of the BMA’s volleyball team players proud and glory. When she is inside the court everyone’s screaming her name and when she spikes the ball? It ends it all! the game is over. Louann is the brainy high yet sometimes laid back type of student. She gives her 100% devotion in everything she does. She is a loving daughter to her mom and a good sister to her siblings. You will simply love to be with her because she knows the true meaning of companionship.

Define beauty with brains it’s her Erika. Humility is her great asset. Despite and inspite what she has, who she is and what she has achieved, she has constantly managed to keep her feet flat on the ground and She is a dreamer and a firm believer that you can get anything if you have the will to achieve.She's a responsible student, a warm person. An obedient and a loving daughter an affectionate true friend! Day 1 you will automatically like her and from day 2 onwards, you will just love and adore her.

She’s a very silent person yet she rocks the boat when she starts throwing her punch lines! She’ is witty and fun to be with! She dances so well and she knows how to manage things at all cost of time. She cries when she thinks she needs to let it all out. She’s a good listener and very passionate in everything she does.
Eka is miss congeniality! She is good on talking to people even if she really hates them haha no don’t take this literally okay! She is not a user friendly, it’s just that she’s so nice to everyone that even if she’s mad at them she toned down and shows them that she’s okay! we do love her so much because she’s the best person to talk to in all types of whatever! Meaning (about: School, Love, Family Matters and more) if she says her piece she means every bit of it and you’ll feel it. But what we don’t like much about her is that she is abusing her self too much on everything! (Im referring to those people WHO USES HER!) They just leave it all to Eka (homeworks, school activities name it!) Even if she’s half hearted on it! (as what I've said earlier she’s so nice to everyone that she cant even say NO!) tsk!
We all blessed with beautiful faces but if we don’t have a GOOD CHARATER inside our system that pretty face would just be a mere DISPLAY. People will not even remember your name. Why did I put this one here? Because they’re those people who rip off our nerves but im sorry I can’t drop names here! Haha just don’t duplicate them because it won’t take you to anywhere I SWEAR! Learn not to put on more make up’s and dress extravagant. But learn HOW TO FEED your MINDS instead don’t be too “know it all” type off bitch chic! Haha you’ll end up crying. Poor you Tsk! Remember that it is okay to brag things and all. I used to do that too. I mean everyone does anyhow! But make sure that what’s your bragging about is all true and nothing but the truth! And will benefit the receiver! Haha this is all for Eka for those people who I will probably or maybe hit with this blog. Excuse me! and Im sorry but I don’t care if you’ll react on it! You guys are all fakers and murderers! Badcheeta! If you want to pull my hair go on and do that! Who will look amusing anyhow? Me? My friends? No! Shame on you but I think its ALL YOU. Not even one of us! Im pissed off! and tired hearing a lot of BAD CRITICISMS (slash definitely not true criticisms) addressing to my friends! Like this Bogz imitating Burn like they have same bags, the color of their hair, how she puts on her make up (because she’s not into make up's before) everything! But when Joan and I heard about it. we just LAUGH out LOUD! And says a long huuuuuwhat? They think Bogz is like that? Hardcore! “mga chismosa talaga pambihira” all I can say to YOU PEOPLE is that it is not what you guys are thinking! Okay! BOGZ IS NOT IMITATING BURN! They are two different people with different QUALITY! If she has Burn’s beauty regimens and all it doesn’t mean that she’s praising Burn or if ever so what to you! Does it even change your name? well F.Y.I: THEY BOTH DECIDE TO HAVE THOSE THINGS! Tsk! In fairness to all of you (to that certain group) you guys are really one hell of a talented observant human being! TUGS! Wait! Why don’t you guys MIND YOUR own business and just focus on yourselves instead? I suggest that before speaking or saying bad things to other people, get a huge mirror first and STAND STILL in front of it and LOOK WHO IS TALKING! Uhm…. Enough of this ive said too much already! Haha well im not saying that I don’t gossip but I do it with purposes! And im not it to it! (like you) we all proven that! My point is if Im hearing someone saying like this like that to a certain person I will study the issue first and find it out for myself! (I made a blog about gossiping anyhow it’s in here try to check it out!) now lets talk about Louann well she’s the TALLEST in are group but she’s the youngest and hell yeah! Im the eldest! Yeeehi! That’s why we call her GIANT! Haha she can be your sponge at all cost of time! She’s my uaap partner she’s crazy about my cousin haha sssh! Ops! Sorry slip of the tongue. Peace! Haha
Well to wrap this thing up i LOVE my friend’s BIG time and whatever characteristics we may all have either be it good or bad never in any account will I trade them. Each one of them has their own area of expertise of being a good person that will make a difference in your life! And well this is indeed TRUE because it changes my Life BIG time when I met and be friends with them. GOOD SOULS are hard to find nowadays and I can attest to that! And I’m excessively blessed to have and be loved by them. Yeeeehi!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
"Sweet Baby"
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
"My definition of H A P P I N E S S...."

my B E H-BY
details from my phone: 11:50 PM September 19, 2007
"Baby hapi birthday! i love you so much" :') we're like texting from 9pm upto 2am
and that message from him START'S MY B I R T H D A Y!!
my dear friends S U R P R I S E D!!!! me with this and I’m sooooooo TOUCHED!
they made me cry! (tears of bliss)
And those letters is a HUWHAT! (from joan,eka,lou,burn,myk and more of them!!!) =’D
"best actress sila that day winner!!! and it really works!.."
THANK YOU SO MUCH! that moment my heart wants to JUMP UP SIDE DOWN!
I bought can goods, coffee, milk, instant noodles for “LOLO”
(the beggar outside our school..)
But I wasn’t able to give it to them because
our classmates told us that they are used by those JERK syndicates
instead I bought “LOLO” a lunch meal from our school canteen.:’-( (im devastated)
How can people do such things like that tsk!!! BADCHEETA! tugs....
But when we went to E.Rodriguez (beside trinity) I spotted a
Mother and son... (Homeless)
Immediately I went out of the car and gave it to the mother. as she says "naku! salamat ng marami iha!"
we went to Mt.Carmel near St.Paul and I prayed
while walking there’s an old lady selling flowers... instead of getting the flowers I just gave her 50 pesos and the old lady told us that she will use it to buy
her medicine! Aw!! And that is a D A Y! Wee... :’)
doing little things to other people means a lot to me... even if i dont hear them saying "thank you khryssy" all the time. but instead giving me their warmth smile,and a big hug really melts my HEART with FULL OF JOY!
atleast at the end of the DAY even if fate is so unfair with my life lately i can say that inspite those tears i've cried! im still happy and greatful that i HAVE THIS KIND OF PEOPLE WHO LOVES ME DEARLY and will never leave my side no matter what happens!
September 22,2007 (Saturday) I celebrated my 22nd Birthday at (Little Island Metrowalk) with my friends and with my special guest! of course my beh-by!
i really didnt expect his presence though he keeps on telling me that he'll gonna do everything just to be there! and as what he had promised me!
Monday, October 8, 2007
"S I G N S!"
I cried a lot and he says things that really break my heart!!! He told me that im always crying, that I don’t have a peace of mind because im thinking a lot of things!!! and more of his upsetting words. I can’t help myself but just CRY! while he’s talking.
I admit that expressing myself when im hurt especially when im mad! Is HARD for me to do, (I keep my mouth shut! and CRY! to relieve the pain im feeling) Even if I want to burst it out! And explode I choose to stay quiet, not to finish or dodge the issue but I just don’t want to say a word that might hurt him back.(I think first before I speak) But I can’t take his words any longer... So I decided to just hang-up and end our conversation instead!
After that conversation with him I still end up crying im soooooo mad at him, that very moment! I hate him so much! (And yet despite the fact, I can’t say it to him directly!) Not because im scared of him but it’s my way of respecting him and our relationship! I love him and I don’t want to take it against him but??? How can he be so rude to me last night!
Later after my long running sob mode. I immediately went to bed and before sleeping I prayed to God and asked for some signs!!! Gosh!!!!! Unconsciously after praying I fell asleep.
3:30 am... a call from our land phone woke me up and out of the blue I got up quickly and answered that call. I saw “cc’s” land phone digits through are caller I.D
My heart beats faster!! And my hands are shaking! Because im expecting to hear “someone’s” voice!!! Im surprised!! Hearing “cc’s” voice!!! It’s him!!! Not “that “someone I anticipate” geeee! Watah!
He says THAT HE IS SORRY(I will not elaborate everything that we’ve talked about! It’s all settled anyhow.) im so touched! For whatever its worth! “It’s my baby talking now... “
We hang-up with “I love you and sorry baby...”
After that extreme moment! I prayed again! and asked myself "Is it the sign im asking from God..." :')
Saturday, October 6, 2007
We (Me, Joan, Bogz, and Burn) decided to try this fortune teller.
Our source: (Milena) she’s been telling us before that this one is “incredible” proven and tested over the years,
because even her sister Micah and her cousin Sheng will testify to that!
----> OH MY GULAY!
Watah!! I'm daze!
I’m sorry but I want to keep it (Privately) Except for those people who I want to know, every bit of what she had told me(Tita Ingrid "the fortune teller") “about almost a little of my everything!” Wew...
We all had FUN though! But MINE was a blow up! Goosebumps! haha
Thursday, October 4, 2007
"Dr. Burke's Vow!"
i LOVE this scene from season 3 of grey's anatomy
this is oh my gulay!! :')
i could promise to hold you and to cherish you.
i could promise to be there in sickness and in health.
i could say till death do us part.. but i wont.
those vows are for optimistic couples-- the ones full of hope.
i dont stand here on my wedding day, optimistic or full of hope.
i am not optimistic, i am not hopeful.
i am sure.. i am steady.
and i know that i am a heart man.
take them apart...
put them back together...
i hold them in my hands.
i am a heart man.
so this i am sure..
you are my partner,
my lover,
my very best friend.
my heart-- MY HEART beats for you.
and on this day, the day of our wedding..
i promise you this
i promise you-- to lay my heart in the palm of your hands.
i promise you, ME.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
"for the rest of your lives?"
Who fits well? When you and your partner love each other, you connect well and have a rather healthy relationship...
But is your partner the one you should marry? Being a great boyfriend or girlfriend is different than being great spouse material. Many people assume that just because they get along great with their partners as boyfriend and girlfriend, that they will automatically end up married, living happily ever after. The sooner you find this out, the better, because it will really prevent a lot of confusion and heart ache later. However, even if you have been with your partner for many years, it does not mean you should stay in the relationship simply because you have been together for a long time. The first thing you need to do is understand what your goals are with your relationship. This way you will be fully aware of your expectations and standards and can then focus on your partner and see whether you two are on the boat or not.
So, how can you tell whether your partner is the marriage “TYPE” Well, the signs are very clear to read, if you are just willing to see the truth and nothing but the truth, even if it is not always what you want. The first step in seeing this truth, is throwing your blinders away and to observe all angles of your relationship not just the wonderful parts that you want to see. If you are the type of person who would like to settle down and get married when the time is right, then you are naturally going to want a partner who will have the same dreams and goals as you when it comes to love and relationships. While this is only natural, you should not assume that just because you are involved with your partner in a serious relationship that it will end in marriage. This is exactly why you must talk about this with your partner once your relationship reaches a comfortable enough point to talk about marriage and commitment.
The best thing to do I guess! Is to observe your partner’s behavior around the topic of marriage and then trust your instincts. Do not rob yourself of true happiness by telling yourself that he or she will eventually come around or that you can change him, because this usually never works and you will only end up waiting around for a man who will never give you what you truly want.
If your partner ends up not being the marrying type, then you should try and move on as soon as possible, so that you can move on and find someone who will see love the same way you do. If you try to adapt to your partner’s non marrying ways, you may be okay for a while because of the love you feel for him or her, but you would eventually grow tired of it and would resent your partner and yourself for not accepting the truth a long time ago.
For me Getting married is a beautiful life experience, but only if it is with a person who wants to be in it just as eagerly as you do. WHO WILL BE MY GROOM? It’s too early to tell… I don’t know either!
All I know is that SOON ill be walking down the aisle… with him (whoever he is) I know GOD will choose the right person for me to hold on to for the rest of my life. Having a beautiful children and a wonderful Family with him will be a blessing and a reason for my breathing. Way way back when I was 10 years younger than my age now I’ve attended and became a part of my Tita Lara’s Wedding Entourage as her flower girl. Right there and then I injected to myself that if ever ill be getting married I want this church to witness my very special day...
Where? at San AgustÃn Church in Intramuros

"Alcoholic Fever"
"Whose hand makes me hold on?...."

Maybe i’ll find the cycles end right back where i began,
but come this time around i’ll have someone to hold my hand,
who prays for me who is there for me, who sends me love and light,
teaches me how to fight!
i still choose to walk with him! (maybe in a different path)
...because that’s the only way we’re going to make it through this storm,
where ignorance is common sense and senseless is the norm.
i hope god will leads us the right way....
I’m the kind of person that gets so involved in what I’m doing that I have trouble sleeping and sometimes forget to eat.
And when it all builds to a peak, I crash!!
Burnout is really a result of the combined effects of all my issues.
its as if, each one slowly chips away until there’s nothing left to keep me going.
"Say you what Kreci?"

Basically I don't give a fcuk what people think about me
what you see is what you get
I say what's on my mind, and I'm not phony
I'm not easily offended
I live life one day at a time…
There's no need to plan the future, because the future is unpredictable. Really!!!!
I love drinking (anything haha)
I’m a chocolate/sweet freak!!
I hate people who are posers...Just be yourself!!
I'm living life to the fullest (but knows that there are certain boundaries)
You never know, you might die tomorrow. Tugss..
An atheist girl who is very religious
I'm a so called “one ugly duckling” (back in my awful day’s hihi)
Self-conscious but doesn't care how i look like! If this is my face and my body structure then so be it. Hehe
I haven’t met my biological father. since birth(All I know is his name)
I’m a blabbermouth but i could keep a secret
I could be obnoxious, annoying, and out of control
But I could be sweet, charming, friendly, and quiet!! (Especially when I’m hurt!)
I'm a dancer by heart. And a frustrated soccer player yeeehaa!
I’m inlove (im happy) but at the same time I’m in pain..
Hanging out with friends is my obsession (i love them BIG)
And lastly
I'm worse at what I do best...Yet for this gift I still feel so blessed... ;)

I love ketchup...
Its yuckeeeee for some people but im loving more my
FOODEEES when there's a ketchup on it..
--Egg,Hotdog,Ham, Bacon...
--Beef steak
(Etc...anything goes with ketchup!!)
Im a weirdo in almost everything! and I don’t care
I love to eat veggies with ketchup! I love mushrooms WITH KETCHUP AND SOY SAUCE!!
I put hot sauce on my carbonara, (this is a huwhaat) I can eat my nachos with chocolate bars, ketchup and hot sauce on it. That’s eew! I know... nyahaha

(Chicken with spinach and gourd in a ginger-based broth)
ITS SOUNDS soo very yumeee isnt?! but for me That’s eeenky winky!! promise! because of the chicken skin. Its been years now since the last time I chomp “tinolang manok” its not me being “maarte” or whatever but I really don’t like to see chicken skins “ng me sabaw...wew!” Hehe
If your left thumb goes over the right thumb then you are said to a “MIND OVER HEART” person. You think before doing or saying anything.
A mind over heart person obviously follows her brain than her heart. She lets her mind speak for herself. She’s rational, levelheaded and sensible .all the choices she makes are based on a healthy balance of mind and heart. She does not decide on impulse but instead, THINKS of the consequences of all her action.
In short she is a SUPER WOMAN!!
Super heroes fall in love. Does mind over heart person fall in love too? Yes she does. Actually she chooses to love. For a person with this philosophy, everything happens based from the choices she makes not from chance. She wants to love… she knows the joys of loving but she also knows the hardships she could encounter loving someone. Even though love is staring in her face, she should not seize the moment. She should give up love for some more important things.
A mind over heart person is a good leader and adviser. She can direct by using her heart but lets her brain do most of the work. She knows her limitations and capabilities. She makes sure she is on the right track and thinks of the consequences of her actions and decisions.
A mind over heart person is not the happiest among people. Because of her philosophy, she tends to be true to herself sometimes. She suppresses her feelings. But despite this, a mind over heart person is still the one who gains success, because they know their battle grounds. They could wait. They could sacrifice and the could let go. There’s a saying that goes...
“the heart has a mind the brain knows nothing of.” Its true and I could testify to this. But think about it, why did GOD create a man with a brain on a higher position than the heart?
The mind is still supreme. Technically without the brain the heart would not beat. Without the brain the body would be like a rock, stagnant and empty, unable to feel love, and even love at all. So with this lesson in mind, all of us must be true to OUR HEARTS but in coordination with our heart, we should let our mind speak as well.
"Shut up! a minute...."

Gossip is any form of communication that is hurtful about another. It also speaks a part about the person doing the gossiping. Its is like a wildfire. It gets out of control and spread quickly. Most people gossip because they want to make themselves look good by slicing up another. I’d like to think I don’t do, but I plead for spreading some.
Gossiping is not just a GIRL THING! Yes we ladies have a reputation for being too chatty and unreliable. I even heard guys say that girls can never truly be friends. That one will eventually betray the other. (That’s a different issue anyhow….tsk!) Well I guess we girls are gifted with a more persuasive tongue and that we will say anything provided that the persons back is turned. But hey, female gossip is just more visible to the eyes and ears than the male. Men are just likely to gossip as women. Probably they call them “rap session”
Ignoring such issues amongst the two genders, my point is that everyone GOSSIPS! Whatever you might call it. Gossip seems to be one of those life’s distraction and guilty pleasures. I certainly agree…
Remember when elders say” IF YOU DON’T HAVE ANYTHING GOOD TO SAY, THEN DON’T SAY ANYTHING AT ALL” Well for most of us now, I think shutting up is really a hard thing to do.
So WHY do we do it? Sometimes described as “Small Talk” it is a way to pass time, it is socialization in the easiest form. Who really wants to talk about the political problems of our country when there’s an exciting rumor to pass around? Most of us view gossip as a harmless thing. Maybe it’s just naturally normal for some not unless THEY ARE THE ONE BEING TALKED ABOUT. Whatever the cause, I confess that if gossiping is made illegal, most of us might be in jail. I like to talk WE ALL DO, but maybe WE SHOULD BE A LITTLE CAREFUL ABOUT WHAT WE SAY.
“GOSSIPING IS JUST LIKE MURDERING!” We must be careful not to murder someone with our tongue. WORDS ARE REALLY POWERFUL and it can DEFINITELY DESTROY A PERSON in just ONE chit chatting…
But I won’t lie, the next time I hear the words…”Did you hear about…? I’ll still be curious.

Today: 0ctober 02, 2007
Inside Entrep Lab....
This was written on the board early this afternoon hehe.... uhmmmm!
When Joan and I read it!
It reminds us of "someone" nyahahaha!
Get some place to live in!
Y O U dont belong here...
this is planet earth.
and where are you from

Am I still going to waste my time on someone who doesn’t appreciate me d way I should be appreciated? Am I going to settle for mediocrity?
for being just HIS second option, for being the one who's just fun to be with, for being the one who's always there desperately waiting for him...
For mere concern or pity or for someone who likes me just because he knows he's got the power to break me again for the 2nd time. Am I going to settle because deep down...
I know who I am? And I know with out a doubt that I deserve at least someone "BETTER" if not the "BEST”
"What goes around..."
In my 22 years of existence, I’ve bump into a lot of people, be friends with them and later on love them so much. I become so addicted to good souls SPECIALY THE REAL ONES...
But I wonder why some people love’s to wreck a life of someone they barely know... PATHETIC people is all around the corner. Trying to be someone they’re not. Oh that’s freaky huh?! Shame on them hihi
A friend warn me “don’t do this and do that…you’ll get fuck up and busted because of KARMA Khryssy” and so I agree... hands up to those people who never utter bad things to others. But we’re all humans not perfect... we perceive a lot of imperfections around us everyday so i don’t want to be hypocrite saying stuffs that I’m a goody good or whatever!! Because I’m not I commit lots/tons of mistakes in the past and learned from them. But I’m proud to say that I’m a REAL one though... hihi better ask my friends about it if I don’t like you i wouldn’t waste my time.. “You’re just a big pain in the ass geeee” weeeew! Now im talking… uhmm big bang!! Apir! Weee! haha
Uhmm a hypocrite or an impostor F-A-K-E one pretends to have a good quality which s/he knows that “s/he does not possess.” The turpitude and wickedness of hypocrisy are obvious to everybody!!! Agree? (I know someone actually) haha for me “as the hypocrite is justly detested and despised, so should the liar be….” As no honest man would consent to play the hypocrite, so no honest man will ever be guilty of a lie… really!!! (Thanks to my morality class) haha...
I believe that a PRUDENT MAN only speaks about what they should speak about!! And what they say should be understood with that reservation. DID YOU GET IT?!
FALSE TALK SHIT CAN KILL YOU… hihi so you better get a life gee!
Deception involves a sender intentionally trying to get someone to believe something that the sender knows to be false. There are many possible forms of deception because liars can apply multiple strategies simultaneously. Believe me I ought to know!! haha
Saying something that could mean two or more things, intentionally concealing information, giving false information and altering the amount of information that should be given! Tsk! Bad….
Well I suggest to impede doing FREAK SHOWS! It sucks and annoys a lot of people especially the GOOD ones they don’t DESERVE SUCH TREATMENTS! I remember one incident in my life that somebody DID control everything... (Talking shits) etc... I regret giving that person my 101% kindness I shouldn’t have listened and Pity her either…Ssh! Too bad Karma hits back a hundred gee... so I suggest you PRAY! GOD IS WATCHING YOU all the time. You’ll never know what you’ll be receiving anyhow! tsk tsk
bottomline Good Karma is coming my way... Soon
“By Me”
BURN and KRECI: Huwhat???

Where: Rockwell (taken last June 07,2007)
June 09,2007
"i'm having my eating disorder thingy again this is not a drama this is for real gee.. and i hate it! (i really cant eat and sleep well!) too bad because im loosing weight and its not healthy.eew! early this morning i was rushed to the hospital because of severe headache + hallucination tuuggs! thanks Burneee for reminding that i should be taking good care of myself more .."
WHY DID I SAID SO: uhmm well she's always hitting me with her hurtful words (for me to become conscious on whats happening around me.) everytime we're having our heart to heart talk. i swear to gahd she's the best person to talk to. but this line really puts me on my "WARP MODE" again while she uttered this line last thursday "mare hindi ka ba naaawa sa sarili mo.." i kept quiet and answered her with just one big smile on my face. (shame on me) shit! happens all the time! too bad it is always happening to me over and over again. Well the rest is a big question mark hanging on my head now... "what to do? what to say? and what to feel? is that person really worthy of my .... sigh!
i dont know...
xns: Burn Thank you for that word of wisdom! (as always) **sob** ssshh! i hope youre getting what im trying to put stress here. Lets call him "BIG BAD BEAR" (its complicated! very... wink!) tuuggs! STUPIDITY MODE mare! i love you big! tsup!

What’s behind this achie thing…?
(My way of revere to someone I value most!)
Well I find her so exquisite and very incredible!
The way she sees things in her life and how well she handles them! Hands up to you achie. I know you’ve been thru a lot! And im so proud that you turn out to be a very well rounded person... I met her like 3 years ago..Uhmm but all I know about her is she has a unique name “Tammy" Heard some stories about “her and Xave” but aside from that nothing else follows… After 3years thank you that there was this (y.m thing and multiply site) we got the chance to keep in touch again! And surprisingly! that there was this “make your own havaianas” at Rockwell last march we got to bump with each other again hehe I was so shocked! When I saw her infront of me hehe over and over again!! Hihi and well the rest is a history!!! Weee!! We discovered that we’re so much identical (with our things, the way we act on something and how hard headed Virgo are. Hihi and a lot more...)
I can say that she’s an achiever! A keen young professional/business woman,
daddy’s girl! A dreamer!
...aside from her very beautiful features, she’s so smart but down to earth,(she’s not that “know it all” type of person) soft hearted ,a sister and an authentic lover... yes indeed she’s all that and more! Being with her is a BLAST of fun!! No dreary moment with her. She’s a good conversationalist!
Achie Snow! For the NTH time thank you! for giving me the chance to know you better and I appreciate everything! Really!!! since day one! And for accepting my warmth friendship! You’re not just a true friend but a sister that i know i can lean on to! You’ve proven that already! Hand me over your trust and I will give you a superb friendship ever! Do I still have to say that I love you big time achie? Let’s just say that im so blessed having you in my so called “freaky life” your existence really make a difference!
For the record she really brings out the best in me!
(i hope youre getting what i'm trying to put stress here achie..)
more years to come for us!! no more drama! hehe
i'll be here...(always) sob mode or happy mode Wee!
-------Shobe--------- heart heart!! tsup.hug
"For GIRLS only!"
Just because you take care of yourself doesn’t mean you’re
It just means u can afford it! While other (envy) women cant... bad cheeta!
Sometimes you have to show yourself some positive reception!
Stay Prettyful! Anyhow this is a FREE world!
I'm a high voltage junky chiq. You wouldn't want to hear me talking,Because I stutter all the time. i have my own vocabulary...
I will barely hear you. Because most of the
time I'm deaf. You wouldn't want to see me sweat after my dance rehearsals. That’s eew! You wouldn't want to see me eating my mommy's spaghetti and how i starve for peanut butter chocolates and vanilla ice cream.
You wouldn't want to hear me singing umbrella over and over again. (better ask my friends)You wouldn't want to sleep beside me when i take my sleeping tabs and you wouldn’t want to love me Because when the day I realized how much you mean to me! I'm all crank up! You'll screwed up! I will be there for you 24/7 and make you’re life miserable haha
because I'm going to love you with all my heart even to drop down the cherry tree I would if I could!
Now! better ask yourself a trillion times if you
still want to go out with me! I will be the crankiest, junky crazy,freak girl you'll ever met for the rest of you’re life.(i will make sure of that) If you’re brave
enough to stand by me. You'll be facing the consequences. I'm a BIG headache!
Just make sure you're wearing a marathon shoes. If ever you change you're mind geee. Run Forrest Run!! Uhmmm! Wink!
You have 2 options. One is to-Dig it! Second-Find someone who is much better than me! Good luck!
(But here's a ring a bell) I'm inlove with this
crap, asshole, jackass, jerk. Satan evil who neglect my kindness and a lot more!
I still love him big time! I'm being true and loyal even if i know I'm just his second option! How can fate plays with my life tsk! Oooh! I mean with
my so called normal abnormal life! No one can save me from him even
spiderman, batman and superman cant!
And that's what I call my stupidity, stubborn
Hardheaded mode! I'm so hardcore! I know! I should know...
"My TWIN bow…."
(A person you know well and regard with affection and trust!)
She is someone who’s always there for you when you needed most.
someone who is loving and always willing to extend a hand for you! a shoulder to cry on! Someone who tolerates all you’re freak shows! Someone who shop with you until your footiees gets busted! Ouch!! Eeekk!
Someone who pulls your hair when she knows that you’re over boarding!
Someone who calls you every now and then and have this chit chatting galore all day long when in fact you always see each other everyday! Someone you always want to be with and share your wildest SECRETS ever!(she should be the VERY FIRST PERSON TO KNOW YOURE BIG BANG!) Someone who can laugh at you’re fucking mistakes! someone who PEP talks with you (its as if you two living in a different dimension because youre languages is really CRAZeee!!) Someone who is bitch as you are? Someone who is sexy and reminds you that life is beautiful and that you have her all the time.
Because I have not only my best friend but my so called HEART HEART TWIN SISTER!! Presenting ahem...
The very 1st time I saw her? Well i really don’t like her for some reasons hihi she looks so “maldita” that’s why but shame on me she's NOT! (tsup.hug)...i swear to whomever!! She is very accommodating, down to earth and she never says bad things to other people. (Except if you are sooo annoying and ...) do you get what im trying to put stress here twin? Anyhow you may misjudge the way she looks and carry her personality but try to get to know her first...then let’s talk afterwards!
She stares like hell!! Well if only looks could kill, “madami na syang napatay” she's good at it! Apir! Being with her is awesome and a blast of fun SERIOUSLY!!
We have A LOT OF THINGS IN COMMON! We’re obsessed watching GREY’S ANATOMY!!Mc Dreamy! Mc Hottie Mc whatever!!! but who's our Mc Dreamy and Mc Hotiie anyhow?! hehe (Season 4 here it comes)wooohoooo My gulay….
We PIG OUT all the time! Waaa! NO! twin!! “Chubby cheeks mode”
She’s my ULTIMATE TEXTmate and my Sun cell consistent caller! She’s my stylist!
we love to SHOP!!! and OH! A LOoooooot MORE…..
On my 22nd birthday she SURPRISED me with this...
It was one of the most memorable day of my life. That DAY was unforgettable! She’s not into this stuffs that’s why im soooo touched! She made me cry... Really!
I guess because of that she has become one of the most important person in my life. She has made a deep impact in my heart and changed me into the person I am today. No matter what it is that I am going through, she’s always stuck by my side. Although we have only known each other a little less than a year, the chemistry between us is incredible! She guides me when I am lost and lends me a hand when I am down.
Think about how lucky I AM to have her in my life and I look forward being with her when my time comes to move on to the next level of my life.
TWIN Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow. Don't walk behind me, I may not lead. Walk beside me and be my BEST FRIEND until we drop down that BIG cherry tree!!!
Do i have to tell them that i love you sooo much?
well i just did while doing this stuff for you!
ME Aka
youre hardcore
TWIN SISTER forevermore!

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