Monday, May 31, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Sunday, May 16, 2010
3 Little Angels!!!
Our pampangkins have arrived!!! :')
Congratulations! to my dearest on the birth of their Triplets on May 15, 2010
Sebastian Pio, Sebreen Pia and Sebynna Pria
Weee... God bless the new arrivals! tsup.hug (cheesle)
Sunday, May 9, 2010 of LOVE :)
Through all these years you being here by my side, I want to thank you for all the hardships, patience, courage, care and love you’ve given me. I may not be the best daughter to you and not be as expressive with how much I Love You, but I wanted you to know that I really Love You so much. More than you can ever imagine. And i will try hard my best to repay you in time
(no promises) just watch me.. :)
I didnt know how much headache I've had given you until EON came and you know what if I have one wish I would wish that I would atleast be half as wonderful as you are. There were just never enough words to express how much i love you!
And how about you reading my message to my mom. do you even remember whose was the first finger you held? Who was the angel who first held you in her arms? who helped you to take your first step? Who first fed you?
Do you even Remember how tough a time she had giving you a bath? or helping you with your homework? or getting you dressed up for school? and combing your hair? She got you new clothes for each Birthdays? took you out camping? held your hand whenever you felt you had no one? the world calls her a “MOTHER” she finally made you what you are today…
And she being as one to you was never an easy "work" because it can never be done, unlike a mans work from sun to sun..
And all she have given you these years you possibly cant give anything back in return. But atleast… a hug, a bunch of flowers, and a warm kiss, for her very special day is enough for her to feel how much you appreciate her.
(gifts doesn't need to be pricey it needs to come from your heart) Always thank the Lord for having given her to you. :D
*Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms out there*
…as long as the world exist I would be here for you forever.
All the love,
Mommy Kreci

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