Sunday, April 19, 2009
"Last Chapter..."
"EON's Corner..."
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
"Weeeeeee!: Sharing!!!"
"My Pregnancy Mask.."
As of today I’m 34 weeks and 5 days old pregnant. And well my long pregnancy journey will soon E N D. We are just counting weeks until PENGI comes out. Another JOURNEY is waiting…
A while ago Erik and I went to the hospital. I had my OGTT Glucose Test (It’s a diabetic blood test) and FLU/INFLUENZA Vaccine Shot plus Tetanus Toxoid Shot (Ooooutch! Those shots really hurt’s)
I also had the chance to talk to PENGI’s soon-to-be PEDIATRICIAN. She is the youngest sister of my OB-GYN. She handed me this DVD a preparation tips on how take good care of our baby and also it explains the importance of vaccines to our dear little ones. As soon as we arrived home Erik and I watched it.
Anyhow… again I’M JUST COUNTING WEEKS! I’M VERY MUCH EXCITED to see our Baby!
Oh well my drama starts here… Dealing with so many changes in my life is so hard. REALLY! I never imagine myself in this kind of situation. But knock knock kncok REALITY CHECK? These are FOR REAL! “I AM GOING TO BE A MOM.” Wohoooo… BIG CHEEESLE!!!
And about my NEW Family? (I’m pertaining to Erik’s Family.) All I can say is that, I’m so blessed to have all of them. I can’t even utter a word. They just don’t know how much THANKFUL I am. Since DAY one I entered their humble home until today… They all welcome me whole-heartedly.
Last 4 nights ago Erik’s Papa came by to our room. We’ve talked about some issues and blah blah blah… I just can’t even illustrate how my heart pounds while he speaks. Those warmth-melting words from him are a HUGE relief my HEART is really jumping! (sorry for exaggerating this part) I was just about to cry when, I realized that I need to stay composed. Whew! I’m starting to LOVE them even more. They were all nice and very well structured people.
To wrap up this blog entry! I just want to THANK PAPA GOD for all of these blessings. AMEN. Cheeesle.
My HAPPY thoughts: A while ago Erik and I had our dinner at FISH AND CO. Shangrila (the place to be) haha burp fish and chips…. Yikeeeee! BYE for now... Tsuuuuuuup!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Pengi's: "FEEDING SET"
The Philips AVENT Advantage
Choosing Philips AVENT means you have the assurance of superior quality products, designed with you and your baby's needs in mind.
Through extensive research and clinical trials, Philips AVENT products work effectively together to give you the flexibility to care for a growing baby.
The Philips AVENT superior quality products help to support the choices you make, whether breastfeeding, bottle feeding or combining the two. Then as your baby grows their interchangeable design features mean they can be adapted to meet your baby's developing needs.
Details from: Philips AVENT
AVENT SterilizerAVENT Feeding bottle,Milk Powder Dispenser and Bottle brush
AVENT Orthodontic Pacifier
XNS: I've been hearing a lot of G O O D feedbacks about this product.
And it's good to know that there is a superb product on hand that will surely help us take good care of our baby.

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